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Kisah Ijat dan Pokok Pishang ^__^

>> Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Class: Year 2.
Subject: Science
Topic: Living Things and Non-Living Things~

Okeh. Take note. This is my 1st interaction with this class. Time class nie, aku bwk la pupils yg seramai 7 org nie jalan2 sekitar skolah. tapi bukan la jalan2 kosong. ingat aku pemandu pelancong ke hape? hehe. i did an observation activity. dorg kene bwk pensel and buku. need to write down what they observed.

Okeh. aku p padang. and then asked them, "what can u see here?" sume diam. okeh. maksudnye tak paham la kan. bukan bermaksud terpesona tatkala mendengar suara cikgu dialunkan. hehe. Then, cikgu ckp lagi, "ok, for example, u can see the coconut tree, grass, bicycle, and what ever la. Then, write it in ur book. Make a list of the things that u see here." Diam lagi. huhu.

Aku ckp lg, "Ok la, grass tu ape??" ha, dah alih bahasa. Ade la 3, 4 org yg jwb "rumput". okies. very good. yeah. kene impress them. itu wajib. cikgu ckp lagi, " awk nampak tak ade rumput kat sini?" ; "Nampak, teacher. Nampak~", jwb pupils. Pastu cikgu terang plak, "Teacher nak, awk tulis ape yg awk nampak kat sekitar padang nie dalam buku awk. Kalo awk nampak rumput, tulis rumput. kalo nampak batu, tulis batu. Faham?" Okies. sume dah jawab faham~~~

Pastu, "Teacher, boleh tulis dalam BM?". yup. that's a problem. Teacher ckp, "Kalo awk tahu dlm English, tulis English. Kalo tak, tulis BM pon takpe~" takpe. yg penting dorg catat.

N after tht, sume cm excited. Mulut dah bising, dok bgtau cikgu ape yg dorg nampak. cikgu pon jwb la, "ha, tulis la dlm buku"~ Ade la sorg budak ni, name die Ijat, die cm pelat skit.. Tapi byk ckp gak la, "Teacher, ijat nmpak pokok pishang~" ok, ok. sile bace ngan sebutan yg pelat. hehe. aku gelak je. aku angguk, n ckp, "tulisla dlm buku ijat".

Sambil2 dorg dok sebok tulis menulis tu, aku jenguk gak la sorg2. tgk ape yg dorg tulis. tapi cm tak sume sgt la.. Dorg sebok dok observe and menulis. Ijat pon. Tapi die cm lari2 dr aku. cm nak mengelak je? huhu. Aku menakutkan sgt ke? atau aku terlalu comel sehingga die segan utk berdampingan dengan ku? oh. mengarut. stop it soffea. sgt annoying. dush2!~ haha.

then, we move on to the other place. P kat tapak perhimpunan lak. still. do the same activity. observed and record their observation. pastu masuk kelas...

Dlm kelas, aku tanye la randomly ape yg dorg nampak tadi. sume sebok dok jawab. N i need to stop them and told them, "kalau nak jawab, angkat tangan. mulut diam. Teacher tunjuk, baru bangun n jwb. faham?"~ okies. da terkawal. Sume la dok bgtau dorg punye observation. Ijat pon, walopun die pelat. n aku plak asyik rase nk senyum je dgr die ckp. hehe. comel =)

Then, aku suruh la dorg groupkan sume ape yg dorg dah catat tu into two groups; Living Things and Non-Living Things. before that, dah terangkan maksud living things and non living things. and masing2 da tahu maksudnye~ skrg nak tgk cmne dorg nak groupkan sume tu. and after that I will ask them why they categorized the things in those groups, either LT or Non LT. Nak test prior knowledge dorg, and also, help them to generate their ideas~

Mase nie aku dok la jalan dr satu meja ke meja. smpai meja ijat. huh. sgt terkejut. pastu aku senyum. aku tanye, "Ijat tulis ape?" Dia jwb, "Pokok Pishang".. Then aku tanye kawan2 die, Ijat mmg tak pandai menulis and membaca ke? kwn2 die sume ckp "ye".. owh. okkk~ Tapi tgk die cm aktif je dok bercakap, cm tak sangke la plak kan.. huhu. Tahu die tulis ape? nie senarai ape yg die observed and record:

1. Tata
2. Titi
3. Tutu
4. ........

ha. gelak. gelak. heh. aku pon gelak gak mule2. tapi tu la.. baru aku tahu die takleh membaca and menulis. tu sume yg die blaja time darjah 1 la tu.. takpon time kelas pemulihan. adeh la.. Cikgu Soffea baru nak kenal students' background kan? haha. takpe la.. tak semestinye aku kne khaskan satu mase utk tahu background dorg kan? Through the teaching and learning process pon da dpt kaji skit2 kebolehan n kelemahan dorg. Jimat mase kan. hehehe =)

Anyway, pastu time discussion, aku byk bertanye verbally kat Ijat la.. focus more kat die. sbb die takleh interpret ape yg die faham n tahu dlm bentuk penulisan. Tapi, bile verbally, die ok. huhu. And till today, I still think of some gud ways in order to help him. Of course la the way yg leh bantu die blaja ngan berkesan kan. huhu. Korang ade care?? Yeah. Think. Think. hehe~


Nie cite cam lawak kottt. tapi bile direnung2 balik, cam kesian. and last2, aku sedar tanggungjawab aku sgt besar =) Insaf. Insaf~ huhu.

Chayok2 Teacher Soffea!!!~

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